Fire System Solutions
Harris Security Systems specializes in providing customers with leading Fire Alarm & Life Safety technologies, application expertise and services. By assembling a project team with vast industry experience and technical competence. Harris Security Systems works with their clients to deliver compliant solutions assures long term cost competitiveness. From system retrofit to new construction and equipment only to turnkey system installation, Harris Security Systems provides the very best value for your project regardless of size and complexity. In addition, Harris Security Systems customer support and service technicians ensure the performance and integrity of your system by maintaining it without compromise to occupant safety, business mission and AHJ compliance.
System Inspections & Certifications
Harris Security Systems is also able to provide all testing and inspection needs of your Fire Alarm & Life Safety systems. Call us today to quote your quarterly, bi-annual, or annual fire alarm inspections. This keeps your facility in compliance with local AHJs and building codes.

New EST 4
The EST4 life safety system is equipped with the ability to deploy proxy firewalls that effectively insulate the internal fire network from external cyber threats. The EST4 platform’s proxy firewall uses Advanced Encryption Standard encryption and protocols.
Read the whitepaper now
The EST4 platform’s enhanced networking capabilities are based on a TCP/IPv6 network, giving it the flexibility to be designed into many mid-to-large applications. EST4’s self-configuring network even allows changes from copper to fiber with no system downtime.
Quickly and easily upgrade your existing Edwards systems like EST3, EST2 and RC3 with cost-saving innovations from Edwards. The EST4 platform supports all Signature Series devices, modules and service tools, and Genesis notification appliances, plus existing network cabling is reusable.
Read the EST4 Phased Construction Case Study now
The EST4 platform’s hi-fidelity audio messaging capabilities ensure that messages reach the right people across 200 channels, at the right time, and provide responders with the ability to relay information clearly and concisely, saving time and protecting lives.

Now Using BuildingReports®
Inspections and Compliance Software and Tools
What is BuildingReports? Well for more than a decade BuildingReports has been providing the industry’s most advanced web-based fire and life-safety inspection solutions, simplifying the process of costly paper-based inspections with real-time data and on demand reports.
With BuildingReports, our customers will have access to unprecedented levels of online information 24/7. Our intelligent report system not only provides comprehensive data on every device inspected. It also generates reports instantly and securely accessible from any location, at any time, for flexible management of multiple properties. BuildingReports® provides a growing range of mobile services that go wherever you go as a building manager or owner.
Now you the customer can take advantage of these state-of-the-art solutions from your already trusted services provider, Harris Security Systems, giving you the power to access inspections faster and better than ever before. Never worry about lost or misplaced paperwork again. It will all be stored in a digital cloud which you can get to with just a click or a call.
For more information about how we can use BuildingReports to impove your annual fire alarm inspection needs please Call us today!

Introducing the Signature Optica smoke detector from Edwards™, part of a next-generation detection system engineered for modern materials and environments. Already certified to UL 268 requirements, Optica’s state-of-the-art sensor technology differentiates between burning food, steam or multiple types of fires, and responds appropriately. Delivering smart detection that alarms faster and more accurately than ever before, Optica sets the standard for intelligent response to today’s threats.
The new Signature Optica smoke detectors bring advanced optical sensing technology to a practical design that increases efficiency, saves installation time, cuts costs, and extends life safety and property protection capabilities. Continuous self-diagnostics ensure reliability over the long-haul, while environmental compensation helps reduce maintenance costs. Edwards Optica detectors were the first to receive certification to the UL standard for Fire Alarm Systems UL 268, 7th edition, set to take effect in May, 2020.
Standard Features
- Meets UL 268 7th edition certification with only one photo optic sensing element
- Patent pending multi-criteria optical smoke sensing technology
- Integrated nuisance rejection reducing unwanted alarms from general cooking particulates and other nuisance sources
- Backwards compatible with existing Signature detector bases and Edwards control panels
- Combination models integrate advanced smoke with rate-of-rise heat sensing and life safety carbon monoxide detection
- Sensor markings provide easy testing identification
- Automatic device mapping
- Up To 250 Total Signature Addresses Per Loop
- Two levels of environmental compensation
- Two levels of dirty detector warning
- Twenty pre-alarm settings
- Five sensitivity settings
- Non-volatile memory
- Electronic addressing
- Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment
- Bicolor (green/red) status LED
- Standard, relay, fault isolator, and audible mounting bases

What is NFPA
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a global nonprofit organization, established in 1896, devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. NFPA delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others that share an interest in furthering their mission. NFPA membership totals more than 50,000 individuals around the world.

What is NICET
The National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) is an organization that was established in 1961 to create a recognized certification for engineering technicians and technologists within the United States. A 1981 study by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), requested by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ SubCommittee On Construction (AASHTO SCOC), prompted the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) to merge two certification bodies; the Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technicians (ICET) and the Engineering Technologist Certification Institute. The result is a nonprofit organization that provides a nationally recognized and accepted procedure for recognition of qualified engineering technicians and technologists